Why us,
you ask?
Uncover the advantages of partnering with us!
Influencer Network
We access over 240 Mil Influencers Globally with 8.5Mil+ In India and a strong footprint in local languages.
Cost & Time Efficiency
We offer a pricing edge by leveraging influencer intelligence & strong customer loyalty, achieve 3x faster results through our in-house platform and scalable processes.
Fully Managed
The campaigns are managed end to end from planning, content moderation, finance management to reporting.
Tech Driven
Data-driven insights to identify the right influencers for each brand to help measure the impact of their influencer marketing efforts
Oh, did we mention
The Tweebs Tool?
A full stack of Instant solutions at every step of influencer marketing workflows!

Our Approach
is quick, data-driven, accurate and reliable.

Understanding the specifics of your brand needs

Fusing the power of AI with our creative team

Hitting the right chords with customized solutions

Becoming your
extended team
Contact us
to know more.
Send us your requirement and get a tailor-made collaboration proposal within 24 hours!